Lorlilly SPA
Facials, Massage, Reflexology, Waxing, Body Code & Emotion Code Practitioner
About the Practitioner

Lori Klebba LMT - Michigan State Licensed in Massage Therapy, BCTMB - Board-Certified in Massage Therapy and Bodywork, ARCB - Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist, IIR - Internationally Certified Reflexologist, Licensed Esthetician thru the State of Michigan for Esthetics.  I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management from Eastern Michigan University with a minor in Human Resources and an Associate's Degree from Oakland Community College in Business Administration.

Reflexology - I first attended an 18-month program where I studied the Ingham Method of Reflexology and received a certificate thru the Branch Reflexology Institute.    I then went on to study with the International Institute of Reflexology in St. Petersburg Florida and became an Internationally Certified and Registered Reflexologist where I am certified to work anywhere in the world.  I successfully completed the work and then sat for the Board Certification Exam thru the American Reflexology Certification Board.  I am currently a Board-Certified Reflexologist.

Ear Reflexology – I attended first level training of the Flocco Method through the American Academy of Reflexology. 

Neuromuscular Massage Therapy (Levels 1-4 & Testing) - I am certified in Neuromuscular Therapy.  Neuromuscular Therapy is used to relieve tense and painful muscle tissue. It is an advanced form of massage therapy which requires a high degree of anatomical precision, specificity and skilled palpation. Neuromuscular Therapy is very effective for the relief of chronic pain and restoring homeostasis (balance) between the muscular and nervous systems. 

Trigger Point Therapist - Trained in Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial Massage Therapy (Levels 1-4 & Testing) - I am certified in Myofascial Therapy.   Fascia is a seamless web of connective tissue that covers and connects the muscles, organs, and skeletal structure.  The fascia system is one structure that runs from head to toe without interruption.  In a healthy state, the fascia is relaxed and has the ability to stretch and move without restriction.  When we experience physical trauma such as a fall, whiplash, or just poor posture, the fascia loses it pliability and becomes tight and restricted.  Myofascial Release is a form of soft tissue therapy where the fascia is stretched thru massage, allowing pain to be released and range of motion to be increased thus helping to balance the body.

Esthetics - I graduated from the Esthetics program from Brighton School of Cosmetology.   I am currently doing facials, chemical peels, eyebrow waxing, face and body waxing, eyebrow tinting, eyelash tinting, eyelash lifts, and eyelash extensions.  

Hot Bamboo Massage Trained - I was in the very first class in Michigan to learn this new modality that is extremely relaxing.  Warm bamboo shoots are used to massage the entire body using relaxing Swedish strokes or deep tissue techniques.  Different sized bamboo shoots are used to roll and knead away stress and tension.  I used the bamboo shoots in every deep tissue massage.

LaStone Original Body Hot Stone Massage Certified -  I trained one-on-one with a certified LaStone instructor in Wisconsin to learn LaStone Hot Stone Massage where heated stones are place and manipulated on and over the body to warm the deepest of tissue, relax muscles and smooth away aches and pains. 

LaStone Deep Stone Massage Certified - A type of massage that uses heated and cooled stones to relieve sore muscles and joints.  Specific muscles of concern are treated with chilled marble stones that melt away muscle congestion.  Cold stones push fluid and waste out of tense and inflamed tissue.  Introducing chilled and heated stones together during a massage allows dynamic movement of fluids within the body, thus allowing cleansing and nourishment to take place.  Cold Temperatures strengthen the body's immune system while helping decrease pain, inflammation, and swelling. 

Raindrop Therapy Trained - The application of powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory oils are dripped along the spine.  These oils enhance energy by stimulating specific points which give off electrical impulses  that allow the nervous system to be restored.  Toxins, damaged tissues, and oxygen deprivation cause deterioration and impaired immune function.  The use of these oils helps to strength the immune system, detoxify the body, and kill off any viruses living along the spinal column bringing structural and electrical alignment to the body.

Certified Emotion Code Practitioner  -  An energy healing technique which finds and releases stuck emotions and trauma in the body.

Certified Body Code Practitioner - An energy healing technique that identifies and corrects imbalances within the body with the goal of promoting self-healing and improving overall health.  This can lead to improved organ function, proper nutrient absorption, enhanced energy levels, and a reduction in emotional issues.

Upledger Craniosacral Therapy - I am currently enrolled in the Upledger Craniosacral certification program.  This will take about 2 years to complete.  I have completed Level 1.

Classes Completed - Modalities I have studied:

Healing Touch Levels 1-3, Esoteric Healing Levels 1-4, Upledger Craniosacral Level 1, Reiki 1 

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1

Emotion Code certification 2024

Body Code certification 2024

Energy Mapping for Reflexology,  Touch for Health Kinesiology Levels 1 and 2, REST - Release Emotional Stress & Tension with Reflexology, Hot Rock-in Reflexology, Moving the Energy 1 and 2 Reflexology Meridian Therapy Chinese Acupressure

Use of Essential Oils with the Healing Touch Ministries Level  1

Cadaver Series - Head & Neck, Shoulder & Arm,  Hip, Leg, & Foot taught by University of Michigan doctors   

Sports Massage 1,  Deep Tissue for Sports Massage, Effective Treatments for Carpal Tunnel, Anatomy Trains Myofascial Meridians, LaStone Original Body and LaStone Deep Stone Therapy, Bamboo Fusion, Cold Stone for Migraines, Raindrop Therapy,  Thai Table Massage 1, Positional Release, Side-Laying Massage Full Body, Plantar Fasciitis, Lymphatic Drainage Level 1,  Amma-Shiatsu Chair Massage, Hydrating Face Treatment, CPR, Structural Alignment 1, Key Fundamentals of the Low Back, Frontal Release of the Cervical Spine, Frontal Release of the Shoulder, Advanced Ear Reflexology, Active Assisted Stretching Upper Body, Integrating Orthopedic Massage Assessment and Treatment: neck, shoulder, low back and knee.  

Image Skin Care Reseller - I use and sell all Image skin care products.

doTERRA oils sold here

My philosophy is to keep taking new training and learn new modalities so I can help as many people as possible.




Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 248-417-8785
, Hartland, MI 
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